Danish Meatballs. 
(In Danish: Frikadeller)

Probably one of the most common dishes in Denmark is The Danish Meatballs or as they are called in Danish "Frikadeller".

Served with brown gravy or white sauce, potatoes and usually beetroot or red cabbage.

Meatballs Served.

Meatballs Served.

The Meatballs are ideal for freezing as well, so just do up a big batch and you have enough for a couple of meals in the freezer, unless you have kids like mine, every time they go past the stove they grab a couple of meatballs, they are also nice cold, in a sandwich or just as they are.

Danish Meatballs Recipe.

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    500 g Pork Mince
    500 g Beef Mince
    100 g Bread Crumbs
    1 Brown large Onion Finely Chopped
    4 Eggs
    50 g Flour (3 tbs)
    4 ts Salt
    3 ts Pepper
    600 ml Milk


Add mince, bread crumbs, onion, eggs, flour, salt, pepper and about 1/3 of milk in a mixing bowl.
Start mixing together an ad the rest of the milk gradually, mix well and let rest for 20-30 min. Mix again and you may be able to add a bit more milk.

Heat up a frying pan and add butter or margarine for frying.

Use a table spoon to pick up the meatball mix and form a ball in the palm of your hand, then cook on the frying pan.

Frying time 8-10 min on medium heat, turn them over a few times.

Mixing The Meatballs.

Mixing The Meatballs.

Frying The Meatballs.

Frying The Meatballs.

This recipe will give you about 50 meatballs (Frikadeller). The Danish meatballs are ideal for freezing and you should have enough for 3 meals for 4 people. Or you can reduce the recipe if you like.

Serve with white or brown gravy, potatoes, beetroot and veggies depending on your liking.

tbs = Table spoon | ts = Tea spoon

Have a little jug with water to dip the table spoon you use to form the meatballs with, then the meat will not stick to the spoon.


Bon Appetite. | Velbekomme. |Enjoy your Meatballs (Frikadeller)

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Happy to find dansk recipes. Not rated yet
I have been researching my families ancestry on the island of Bornholm. I am very happy to find the recipe for danish meatballs thank you very much.

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