The Jutland Peninsula.

Jutland "Jylland" is the biggest part of Denmark, where you also find Legoland in Billund, next to the international airport, Billund Airport.

The Southern Part Of The Peninsula.

The Peninsula is divided into five parts, to the South we have “Sønderjylland”,“Sønderjylland" borders up to Germany to the south and some of the biggest border towns are Padborg and Krusaa.

Some of the other towns you will find in Southern-part are Haderslev, Aabenraa and Sonderborg.

There are also a few islands along the southern east coast, like Als and Aaro

Years back most of the Southern part belonged to Germany.


South of Kolding you will find "Skamlingsbanken".

Skamlingsbanken is a beautiful area and the highest point, 113 meter over sea level, in Southern-Jutland, here you got a magnificent 360 degree view over the area and in clear weather you can see the island of Funen from here as well.

The place is a popular place for picnics and sightseeing and there is a track, about 5 km. long, if you feel like a walk in the nature.

There is a 16 meter tall memorial, made from 25 granite blocks, and a little exhibition about the history of Skamlingsbanken here as well.

Skamlingsbanken also offers you one of the most beautiful placed restaurants in Denmark.

The Western Part Of The Peninsula.

The West “Vest Jylland”,is where you will find Ribe, Denmarks oldest town, Esbjerg Denmark's 5th biggest town and beaches like Romo "Rømø", Blaavand and Fano, and further north Blockhus.

Ribe, old town in Denmark.

Street in Ribe.

The Northern Part Of The Peninsula.

Lokken, Skagen and Frederikshavn with the lovely Palm Beach, you will find to the North “Nord Jylland”.

The Eastern Part Of The Peninsula.

To the East “Øst Jylland” we have some of the larger towns along the east coast like Aalborg, Aarhus Denmark’s second largest city, and Randers, in Randers you can find Graceland-Randers, the only permanently placed Elvis Presley museum outside USA, and they also have a man made rainforest in Randers created inside 3 large domes, for more information see here.

Along the east coast there are also a lot of small islands like Laeso “Læsø”, Aebelo “Æbelø” and Samso "Samsø".

For more information about East Jutland Click here.

The Central Part Of Jutland.

The central part of the Jutland peninsula “Midt Jylland” is home to Viborg, Holstebro, Silkeborg and Herning.

On the West coast you will find some of Denmark’s best beaches, Romø is a big tourist attraction on the West coast as well.

In Ribe, on our way to the west coast we had a look at the Viking museum and a Viking township and the old township with some of the oldest houses in Denmark.

Do you have a great story about a holiday In Denmark, or some photos you want to share? Our visitors will love to hear your story or see your photos. Are you living in Denmark and want to tell our visitors about a great place, then write about it here, our visitors will love to hear about your special place.Click here to tell your story.

Or have a look what other visitors have written about Denmark.

Do you have a great story about a holiday In Denmark, or some photos you want to share? Our visitors will love to hear your story or see your photos. Are you living in Denmark and want to tell our visitors about a great place, then write about it here, our visitors will love to hear about your special place.Click here to tell your story.

Or have a look what other visitors have written about Denmark.

Driving around the countryside in the evening in August, the farmers are busy getting their fields harvested and are working until midnight in a lot of places.

Farmers at work.

Farmers at work.

Of course, after you have visited Denmark, you may wish to carry on your romantic vacations by visiting Romantic Vacations Guide.Com to discover ideas for other locations that will also provide you with a totally different experience.
Germany is right across the border. The Netherlands are just a hop and a skip away. And England, just a short ferry ride.
So, come to Denmark, but don't forget that there is so much more of Europe to see.

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Links to towns on the Jutland Peninsula!

Haderslev Take a look at the old town and take a tour on the inlet with the ferry Helene.

Ribe. See some of the oldest houses in Denmark and visit the Viking Centre.

Samsø. A paradise island.

Givskud Zoo and Lion Park Go on a safari at Givskud Zoo...

Sonderborg and the island of Als known for it's beautiful beaches and holiday island...

Legoland A day of adventure.

Billund Airport your gateway to Legoland.

Aaro A nice holiday island.

Have A Great Story About A Holiday In Denmark?

Do you have a great story about a holiday In Denmark, or some photos you want to share? Our visitors will love to hear your story or see your photos.

Are you living in Denmark and want to tell our visitors about a hideaway, then write about it here, our visitors will love to hear from you.

Have A Great Story About A Holiday In Denmark?

Do you have a great story about a holiday In Denmark, or some photos you want to share? Our visitors will love to hear your story or see your photos. Are you living in Denmark and want to tell our visitors about a hideaway, then write about it here, our visitors will love to hear from you.

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